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Contributing to the vitality of FPC Holt

As we grow in faithfulness, we humbly acknowledge that all we are given is through the grace of God, which includes our time, energy, and finances. As we come to this truth, the faithful response is to give back to the One who has given us so much.

One-Time & Recurring Giving

If you would like to begin practicing stewardship with regular giving, please let us know and we will give you designated giving envelopes and provide quarterly statements of your contributions.


If you would like to make your contributions by electronic transfer between your bank and the church, or with your credit card, simply complete the form on the left.


You also have the option of giving via the GivePlus app on your Android or IOS device.

Registration and Activity Fees

Interested in getting involved in the life of the church?  If you've seen anything in the Calendar or Upcoming Events that interests you, send us an email (some of the activity postings have their own registration form -- simply click the link!).  


For those activities that have a fee involved or for purchases (e.g., books needed for a class), simply fill out the form. 

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